Founder of LGBT “pride” group arrested for 30 counts of child sex crimes
“The whole concept of Educate and Celebrate is to treat everyone equally and fairly, and really the bottom line is to completely smash heteronormativity.”

Stephen Ireland, a founder of a UK group that works to normalize LGBT lifestyles in English schools, was recently charged with 30 heinous sexual crimes against children.
Ireland is the Surrey founding member of the group Educate and Celebrate, which has advised UK schools on “best practices” for accommodating and normalizing LGBT identities and lifestyles.
Now, he is faced with charges including conspiring to kidnap a child, sexual assault including against a child younger than 13, arranging a sexual offense, voyeurism, and the creation of child sexual abuse material, as LifeSiteNews reports.
As the outlet reported at length, the group to which Ireland was Surrey’s founding patron, Educate and Celebrate, openly works to “smash heteronormativity” in UK schools.
This isn’t the first blot on the group’s record. Already, E&C had been forced to cut ties with a transgender activist who had visited classrooms for the group because he stripped naked on public television, playing the piano with his genitalia. It was also at the center of a controversy in which a Church of England minister was reported to counter-terrorism for simply giving a sermon that rebuffed queer theory with traditional sexual morality.
“The whole concept of Educate and Celebrate is to treat everyone equally and fairly, and really the bottom line is to completely smash heteronormativity,” a promotional video for the group professes.
“So we completely encourage intersectional ways of teaching, lots of pedagogies and usualising, so making LGBT+ people an everyday occurrence within the school,” it continues. “And that can come through simply teachers being ‘out,’ it can come through the curriculum, it can come through what you are putting on the walls, and how you are engaging with your community, and that’s our goal.”
Educate and Celebrate also once reportedly professed on its website to be recognized by the UK’s government education body but was forced to remove this information in 2023 after it was revealed that it was untrue. That said, it has still been the recipient of a government grant worth well over $200K USD to promulgate queer theory in British schools.
Meanwhile, the Rev. Dr. Bernard Randall was reported to counter-terrorism in 2019 over his criticisms of the group, which was invited to a school at which he appears to have given his offending on the biblical understanding of human sexuality.
It has since been found in court that the Church of England was “plainly wrong” to fire him from his job as school chaplain over “gross misconduct” for presenting his sermon which was intended to inspire critical thinking in the face of aggressive LGBT ideology. Yet the CoE
That’s right, Randall, a Christian minister in a supposedly Christian Church, at a supposedly Christian college, in a supposedly Christian country, was fired from his job over offering his criticism of E&C and groups like it from a Christian perspective.
This. Is. Insane.
How many more members of E&C are using government funds and public donations to promulgate a philosophy of sexuality that normalizes the sexual abuse of children, and also abusing children while they’re doing it?
One shudders to imagine. We must remain on our knees in fervent prayer that this demonic ideology will continue to be exposed for its ultimate wickedness and replaced with the fear of the Lord and love for the innocent.
“Well there’s a surprise” I say rolling my eyes.